Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tumbang Preso

Tumbang Preso is a popular Filipino street game and is commonly seen in most Filipino movies and TV series.

How To Play

Like other Filipino traditional games, members take the following rules: one as the “taya”, someone who takes the rule of a-player-at-stake and holds the responsibility of the Lata (tin can), and; the two others as the players striking. The game is performed by having the players a “pamato” (which is ones own slipper) used for striking the tin that is held beside the taya.


Patintero is a traditional game here in Philippines. Most of the people from 80's - 90's really enjoy this game.

How To Play

There are five members 5 in each group. Each member of the group who is it stands on the water lines. The perpendicular line in the middle allows the it designated on that line to intersect the lines occupied by the it that the parallel line intersects, thus increasing the chances of the runners to be trapped.even only one member of a group is tagged the whole group will be the "it".